Phonak Hearing Aids

Phonak Hearing Aids

Need Best Hearing Aids in Ghana? Phonak has shaped the hearing industry for more than 70 years with its innovative, life-changing hearing solutions. We offer different hearing instrument designs for your patients in the form of custom-made in-the-ear, receiver in the canal as well as behind-the-ear hearing instruments. Phonak offers unrivalled sound quality, rechargeable options, smart apps, and universal connectivity to young and old. We offer top quality hearing screening in Ghana.



A Phonak Roger systems provides a solution for users of all hearing aid brands, cochlear implants as well as children who needs help with focus on speech in challenging listening situations (in noise and over distance).
Hansaton Hearing Aids

Hansaton Hearing Aids

Exclusive hearing solutions designed to bring back the joy of hearing. Hansaton offers cutting-edge technology like rechargeability and universal connectivity. You have the option of selecting between different outstandingly designed hearing aids that includes in-the-ear, behind-the-ear as well as receiver-in-the canal hearing instruments.